Journal Volume 3 2000


I am extremely pleased to be able to introduce to you the third journal produced by the Greystones Archaeological and Historical Society. When the Society was founded in December 1988 we had hoped to be able to publish an issue of local interest every other year. It is indeed a great pity that it has not been possible to do so, entirely due to financial considerations. We will indeed, with your support, try to do better in the future, as there is no shortage of suitable and interesting material available to us.

The Society continues to thrive, and we have maintained a programme of interesting lectures during the winter months and a series of outings and day trips for the rest of the year. A particularly popular feature of our activities has been our four-day trips each April for the past seven years, when we have based ourselves in towns and cities throughout Ireland, and with the help of local guides have explored places of historical and cultural interest in each vicinity.

I would like to thank sincerely the contributors to this millennium journal, all of whom throughout the years of the Society’s existence, have proved themselves in the tremendous support they have given unstintingly to our activities.

Finally, I would like to thank our committee members who have run the Society down through the years, most of whom were first elected at our inaugural meeting on the 5th December 1988 - twelve years ago. A word of thanks is due to the La Touche Legacy Committee for their sponsorship of our October outing, and to the management and staff of the La Touche Hotel for making their facilities readily available to us on so many occasions. A sincere word of thanks to our Honorary Auditor, Joe Hayes for his continued and much valued support.


Jim Brennan – Chairman
Greystones Archaeological & Historical Society


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